View Profile RJMasters
Rich @RJMasters

Age 57, Male

Game Artist/Designer

B.S. Degree in Game Design

Camarillo, Ca.

Joined on 12/11/07

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690 / 710
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Well it is finally here. I have been working on an arcade RPG puzzle quest game for about 6 months now and finally finished it and submitted it to the NG portal today. It has alot of cool features...here is a pic and a list of all the things you can expect in episode 1. I hope you will go and play it and let me know how you liked it.

Click here to play Dragon Knight in the Portal

Preloader with Sponsor

The Title Screen Menu
- Intro Music
- Story
- Instructions how to play
- Credits
- Start Game
- Input name of character

The First Episode revolves around has 4 major quests.
- Save the lost child from the Dragon's cave
- Find the Litus Flower in order to heal the Smithy.
- Find 6 magical runes hidden throughout the land
- Secret Quest

The First Episode has
- 22 artistic sections to explore and adventure using a grid base system to load in game-screens.
- A dynamic Mapping system which tracks the character's progress.
- Integrated spoiler game hints in the mapping system and character display screens
- A Fishing Mini Game - To earn gold and exp.
- A second Mini game as part of the Secret Quest
- 2 well designed puzzles
- 6 Characters to interact with and talk to.
- Original well designed background music to fade in and out for different sections of the world.
- 3 Major Boss battles

The First Episode Monster list:
- Wall shooting Darts
- Dodge as you navigate rooms in dragon cave
- Giant Rats
- Flying Bats
- Firepot flamers
- Small, large, & Giant Spiders
- Scorpions
- Razor saws - Dodge as you navigate rooms in dragon cave.
- Poisonous Spitting Plant
- Green Dragon - 1st Boss monster
- Giant Flamer - 2nd boss Monster
- Red Dragon - Final Boss Monster

- Basic Sword
- Green Dragon Sword
- Double Bladed Battle Axe
- Secret Weapon

- Fireball
- Ice Wand
- Secret Magic Ability

Character Customization:
- Destiny Points earned as you increase in lvl Spend them between Health, Magic and Attack
- Change look and feel of character's image in the character screen

The Death Screen
- Allows for continued play or restart
- Credits

The Game Completion screen


Story by:
Richard Chatfield

Game Design:
Richard Chatfield

Programming, & Development:
Richard Chatfield


Game Cover Art (hero)
Joel Carlo

Character Sketches:
Adrielle Chatfield
Fisherman Bob
Orwin Magic Rune Reader

Herbert T. Hill
Compass Keeper

Character Color Artist
Richard Chatfield


Theme and Background Music
Herbert T. Hill
"Stories of the Past" by
"Healing Waters of Tranquility"

Sound Effects
Richard Chatfield

Environments & Special Effects
Richard Chatfield

3d Creatures & Animations
Richard Chatfield

The release of Dragon Knight - The Quest Begins (Episode 1)